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I'm glad you brought this up; I don't skimp on meals, but I have cut out the beauty salon for now. My problem is trying to find the right color for my hair, now that I'm no longer having someone else do it. I tried the "guessing" game, but found out the hard way, after my hair was done, that guessing wasn't all that good.


Hi Kelly,

I completely understand... I think many of us have been there at one point or another! Hair color can be tricky. That said, there are a few options available if you're interested:

i) If you have a friendly relationship with your stylist, or are willing to discuss your situation with a new one, I'd just tell them that you're not able to come for frequent visits and would like some direction as to DIY maintenance. This way, you'll still be checking in with a professional every so often for care and can also use their advice to ensure you don't have to guess anymore. Simple things like the choice of tone (beige, red, etc.), brand, or semi vs. permi can alter your at-home results dramatically.

ii) I recently interviewed Rita Hazan, a highly regarded celebrity colorist, about how to 'ace at home hair color'. Perhaps some of her tips might help? The link is:

iii) If you find at-home just won't work, but a salon visit is out of the question, check out our local listings to find prestigious salons or beauty schools that do training nights. Many of the stylists are qualified, and they usually charge a very low fee for their services. I've seen some as low as $25, which is basically the cost of an at-home kit plus gas/taxi to the drugstore.

Hope this helps?

All the best.
Lily x


Wow! Thanks Lily! I'll certainly give one of your suggestions a try. I guess it really doesn't hurt to ask, heh?


hi lily i haven't left a comment for a long time but i'm always reading your blog here. i completely agree that skincare is so very important. i use only brands like la prairie, revive, rodial, sjal, taer icelandic, cowshed and such. either organic or cellular technology stuff!
as to makeup, my collection's incredibly small and i dun like spending a lot on it.


I also watch what I spend in order to have regular facials. However, my largest sacrifice was when I gave up vacations in order to pay for weekly private ballroom lessons. It was certainly worth it--a treat every week.


Always splurge on skincare and foundation. Everything else, not so much.


I have started splurging on shampoo and conditioner, and it has been worth it.


Beauty is my top priority! But I'm cutting back by using DIY ingredients instead. Some from the kitchen, some purchased from the DIY ingredient suppliers. I make my own Vit C serum for example, and that saved me lots!

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