From Heidi Klum's legs to Kerry Washington's derrière, fitness guru David Kirsch has molded some of the most enviable forms in Hollywood. His innovative diet plans, fitness routines, and highly-regarded supplements have come to establish this supertrainer as a celebrity in his own right.
To find out how we, mere mortals, can stay in shape this season I asked David for a little 'cheat sheet' on all things fitness-related...
Q1: If one has only 15 minutes to exercise daily, what would you recommend
as a basic routine (that could be extended into a longer session)?
If one has only fifteen minutes to exercise daily I would make sure to hit the major body parts- core, glutes, arms and legs. Start every morning with stretching, then wide stance squats, double crunches (engaging
both the upper and lower body), push-ups and planks.
Q2: Would you say your highly-regarded New York Body Plan is a quick fix or a lifestyle?
The Ultimate New York Body Plan is a program that will jump start your fitness/wellness program, but at its core, it is a life transformative program.
Q3: Which seemingly healthy foods should we avoid, or reduce, when trying to loss weight?
The “healthy” foods to avoid (or at least limit the consumption of) are pineapples, raisins, bananas, corn, white potatoes, cherries, and grapes.
Q4: Do you believe in cleansing or fasting for health?
I believe that in this time, a healthy juice cleanse or a wellness cleanse can be a very effective way of ridding the body of unhealthy toxins and waste. It is very important that one does not abuse or overuse fasting or cleansing and makes sure to follow the cleanse with a good probiotic. I actually have a couple of healthy cleanses (the 48 Hour Lemonade Diet and the 5-Day Detox) that clients have used to great effect.
Q5: What are the best snack foods to stock-up on (for consumption between meals)?
The best snack foods are almonds, walnuts, apples, celery, non-fat plain yogurt, and also, one of my protein meal replacement shakes (180 calories- of 25 grams of protein, flax seed and fiber) would help stave off those hunger pangs.
For additional information on the services, supplements, or books of David Kirsch, visit