Log on to CompletelyBare.com today, and sign-up for the first-ever online waxing seminar by one of the most trusted brands in hair removal.
This 'webinar' is free-of-charge and will show you how to master the art of waxing, so that (unnecessary) pain, ingrowns, and irritation become a thing of the past. You can also ask resident expert Cindy Barshop any hair removal questions, as you have them, as everything is LIVE. How cool is that?
The first class is on Thursday, July 17th at 7:00pm EST. Visit CompletelyBare.com for additional details.
Fab ... I'll be checking into this for sure! Thanks for the info ... a constant irritation for me so I'm appreciative of a webinar on how to do this WELL. xo
Posted by: Roxy | July 17, 2008 at 02:30 PM