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Summer Q

Thanks for the suggestion - I'm going to try the Wild Rose Detox. I've tried the "Maple Syrup" detox years ago. Each morning I drank a mixture of maple syrup, lemon juice, water and cayenne pepper. Although the taste is less than desirable it kicked up my metabolism and gave me great energy for the day (not to mention seriously curbing my appetite). I wouldn't suggest living solely on the concoction, but a glass in the morning is a relatively painless way of cleansing your system.

Todd 1

I've tried a few detox methods before, and they always leave me feeling better, especially with consistancy. Lots of water is always the best way to start. I mean like a gallon to a gallon and a half a day. Sounds hard when you hear it, but in NYC (where I'm originally from), walking around with a water bottle and filling it up makes it so easy. Otherwise, I have used detox teas, heavilly steeping them and never taking the bag out. One big mug every morning. After that I would mix the Optimum Nutrition cereal with flax seeds, blueberries, fiber, etc., with some Stoneyfield Banilla yogurt. Yum. That combination, eating salads for dinner, and regular exercise kept me so regular it was a sin, and weight loss is guaranteed. Using any dandelion root or flax seed/ flax seed oil supplements will also help "detox" your system, no question. And vacation with the family is always a great opportunity to start implementing a new regime in daily dietary health. Good luck!


Thank you!!! I'll definitely try those suggestions out.

Re: The earlier post, I've tried the Master Cleanse (the maple syrup cleanse) but I've never been able to make it past day two without eating- do you have any tips/tricks to make it easier? If this is the Summer Q I know, you have MUCH more discipline than I do! I'm terrible.

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